Hello Hello!

Ready for you an intense, encouraging article on Personal Mission Statement by Alexa Untermann.

Ale is a close friend of mine here in Honolulu, she is so charismatic and energic.

She always tells me about interesting researches she makes and keep capturing my attention with her comments and points of view.

That’s why i asked her to write an article to inspire all of us and hopefully soon we’ll create a weekly appointment with her to share and appreciate her findings 🙂


Hi friends!  Happy Weekend!

So I wanted to share something that I’ve been working on for a while.  I have been looking for more meaning in my life, purpose, a mission, direction.  Over the past 10 years, I have endured health adversity that has gotten me to question what is truly important in life.  I have been on a hunt for the past 2 plus years on discovering my purpose.  I have vacillated and gone back and forth, unsure of why I’m really here and what I’m meant to do, what kind of impact I’m meant to have in the world.  Well, lucky me!  I discovered this article the other day, completed the exercises and feel like I’ve finally realized what I’m here to do.  And I want to share with you because there has been quite a bit of data on how finding and living one’s purpose helps people to live happy and healthy lives.  And that’s part of my purpose and mission in this life, which I will share with you. Let’s get started…
My why, my personal mission statement is to upbeat the heartbeat, or the longer version…fulfill my highest potential, live my healthiest, happiest, best dream life, live with heart n’ soul, and uplift the world around me – by taking care of the planet, helping people to live healthy, happy, active lifestyles, and spreading good vibes.  I felt that in order for me to make an impact on the world, I wanted to first elevate myself and be my best or self-actualize, live my best life I imagine and then positively affect others from there.
I used a resource to help me craft this mission statement and want to share with you: https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/personal-mission-statement.html.  It’s all about what resonates and feels good to you.  Enjoy the process, direction and the heart of why you’re here on the planet.  You have a lot to give, and since there’s much joy in giving, cheers to your good life moving forward.  Sending love and good vibes to you!  Keep being you and letting your light shine… you are special, always remember that…
Most people write a mission statement to clarify the type of work they want to do, decide on the types of companies they might like to work for, and highlight personal values or beliefs that might affect their experience in a workplace environment.


Xoxo and with aloha,
